Have you always wanted to put together a family cookbook, but feel unsure where to begin? You’re not alone! And we have good news: It’s not only possible, but incredibly rewarding to create a legacy family book. Here is the ultimate guide to researching, writing, and publishing a family cookbook you’ll be proud to pass on to future generations.
In this guide, we’ll look at:
I. Questions to consider when getting started
II. Researching your family story
III. Gathering and preserving family recipes
IV. Preparing photos for your book
V. Assembling your content
VI. Design and binding options
After you’ve decided to assemble a family cookbook, there are a few useful things to ask yourself:
1. What kind of a book do I want to make?
Determining the scope of your project will help you plan out its creation, so think about the vision you have for your cookbook. Do you want to reach out to family members and ask them for their current favorite recipes? Do you want to document your family’s history through older recipes, stories, and photographs? Or do you want a cookbook that lies somewhere in between?
In the beginning, you can also think about how you’d like to organize your book. You may want it to include all types of recipes (organized into chapters like ‘Appetizers,’ ‘Mains,’ ‘Desserts,’ etc) or perhaps you’re interested in focusing on one particular theme; ‘holiday baking,’ ‘favorite family comfort food,’ or ‘recipes for entertaining’ are three good examples.
2. What is my budget?
A 100-page softcover book with no color photos will cost significantly less than a 200-page hardcover book with color photos on every page. Therefore, the amount of money you’d like to spend on printing should influence the choices you make throughout the project, including the number of color photos you include, the total page count, and the type of binding you select.
3. When do I want to have my book ready to print?
You may have years to work on this project, or just a few weeks! As with your budget, a publishing deadline can help you decide the size and scope of your book.
If you’re planning a cookbook that captures both your family’s favorite foods and its heritage, it’s time to get researching! Most of the time, the best place to start is with family members, so reach out to the people in your life who have stories and histories to share. If/when you’re ready to dive deeper, here are some other great resources:
-The National Archive’s resources for those starting out with genealogical research
–Family Tree Magazine
If you’re looking to do some research into the dishes themselves, check out foodtimeline.org, a wildly comprehensive site dedicated to documenting food history from just about every century, continent, and corner of the internet.
Once you’ve established some basic wants/needs for your cookbook, it’s only natural to begin with the recipes! In this section, we’ll discuss how to preserve old family recipes, how to ask for/organize recipes from family and friends, and how to edit/proofread recipes before putting them into your book.
How to preserve old family recipes
Many of you have inherited heirlooms and documents from your parents and/or grandparents, which may (or may not!) be tucked away somewhere in the attic; these often include a box of grandma’s handwritten recipe cards, dusty old paperback cookbooks, and binders stuffed haphazardly with magazine cutouts. These are culinary goldmines you don’t want to lose. To preserve them, you can:
-Scan or photograph your recipe cards/pages. Phone cameras are so good these days that no fancy camera is necessary. If possible, photograph the recipe cards in filtered natural light — next to a window on a cloudy day, for example — as this will greatly improve the quality of the photo. Once you’ve uploaded the photos to your computer, be sure to rename each photo with the name of the recipe + the type of dish (for example: BAKING – Mom’s Molasses Cookies.jpg, MAINS – Thanksgiving Stuffing.jpg, etc). This will make them a lot easier to organize later on. If you’d prefer not to have to transcribe each of these recipes, there’s an option within Heritage Cookbook for uploading recipe cards/pages, complete with titles at the top and specific space for recipe attribution.
-Type out your recipes in a Word document or Google doc, then later copy and paste them into the Heritage Cookbook program. Again, be sure to name the files in a way that will make them easy to find later on; you might also consider creating separate folders for each cookbook chapter (’Breakfast,’ ‘Appetizers,’ ‘Mains,’ etc).
Collaborating on a book
Understandably, cookbooks are often family affairs. If you’re the main organizer of a book with many contributors, it’s a good idea to plan ahead for how contributors should submit their recipes. Here are some tried and true strategies:
-Use our Contributors feature! Main account holders can invite people to contribute recipes directly to the book without allowing them access to the book as a whole. (In other words, Great Uncle Henry can’t accidentally delete all of your work.) Here’s our Help Guide article on inviting contributors, which includes a message you can send to contributors ahead of time; the more info they have about the process as a whole, the fewer questions you’ll have to field.
-Don’t forget to include a deadline! Giving people a shorter deadline is usually most effective, as it keeps the task front of mind for them.
-If you’re working as a team to put together a book and edit it, it’s a good idea to establish a formatting sheet so everyone types out their recipes the same way. For example, how are you abbreviating common measurements? Is it tablespoon, tbsp, or T? And will the recipe instructions be listed as bullet points, numbered steps, or short paragraphs?
-Google forms are an easy way for people to submit their recipe info and allow organizers more control over the format in which people submit. Here’s a template we’ve put together for requesting recipes — feel free to copy it verbatim. You may also want to consider creating a dedicated email address (ie, johnsonfamilycookbook@gmail.com) for the task.
Whether they’re of food, family, friends, or other cherished memories, a key highlight of many cookbooks are the photos. This section will cover basic food photography tips, how to preserve older photos, image formatting, and how you can add recipe cards to your book.
Taking food photos
If you’re planning to take some of your own food photos, here are a few things to consider:
-Lighting: Unless you have a professional setup with a flash, the quickest way to capture beautiful food photos is with filtered natural light. ‘Filtered’ means that direct sunlight has been diffused before it reaches the camera’s subject, either naturally (by clouds) or artificially (by drawing gauzy curtains across a window, for example). As with your recipe cards, moving a dish to a windowsill (or table close to a window) is often all you need to capture a nicely-lit image.
-Orientation: Do you want full-page photos opposite your recipe pages? If so, photograph your food in the ‘portrait’-style orientation, meaning the right and left sides of the photo are longer than the top and bottom. Alternatively, if you’d like smaller photos that can fit on the page with the recipe itself, shoot ‘landscape’-style, meaning the top and bottom of your photo will be the two longest sides of the rectangle. To vary things up, shoot some photos overhead (an aerial view of the dish), and others from the side.
As with organizing your recipes, it’s useful to keep photos in folders on your computer. For food photos, name the files both by recipe and chapter so you can find them easily (ie, Mains–Mom’s Jambalaya.jpg). Also name all non-food photos as specifically as possible (ie, Family–Emily at Maine Cabin.jpg).
Not keen on shooting your own food photos? Good news! Heritage Cookbook’s photo library — which is free for all users — contains hundreds of professionally-photographed images of popular recipes.
Digitizing your photos
If you’re fortunate enough to have a treasure trove of old family photos, you may first need to digitize them before they can be uploaded to your book. You can digitize printed photos with your smartphone, scan them on a printer/scanner at home, or have them professionally digitized.
How to ensure your photos are the correct format and size
Once your photos are organized, you’ll want to ensure each file is suitable for uploading. In order for your photos to print properly in your finished book, they need to be:
-In either a .png or .jpg format
-A minimum of 300 DPI (dots per inch)
-Ideally between 2.2MB (megabytes) and 7.2MB in size
How to add recipe cards to your book
If you have photos of handwritten recipe cards or recipe pages you’d like to include in your book, we have dedicated pages for that.
Additional writing
Once you’ve gathered all of your info, it’s time to start putting the actual book together. In addition to adding recipes and photos, you may also want to write:
-An introduction and/or dedication
-Headnotes, which are short introductions to each recipe that provide background on the dish. If you’ve asked contributors to include a note about the recipes they’ve provided, a headnote is the perfect place to include it.
-Family stories, history, anecdotes, and/or advice to include throughout the book
-Useful information about ingredients or cooking methods (For example, “Where to find harissa,” “How to toast hazelnuts,” “How to clean cast iron,” etc.).
Once the contents of your book are sorted, it’s time to decide what it’s going to look like! Heritage Cookbook offers six different binding options as well as dozens of professionally-designed templates (with fully- and semi-customizable options available).
When it comes to choosing a style of binding, you’ll want to consider:
-Order volume: We have built-in discounts based on volume, so as the number of books you order goes up, the price per book goes down. Use the handy calculator on our website to get quotes for your book ordered at various volumes and with different bindings; this will give you an understanding of how far your budget goes.
-Functionality: Is it important to you that your finished cookbook lies flat when open? If so, you’ll want to choose a book with either a plastic or coil binding (which are available in both softcover and hardcover options).
Our six binding options are:
Coil bound softcover: These books measure 6”x9” and are printed on coated 100lb silk surface paper. They have a white plastic coil binding and lie flat on a counter when open. The covers are glossy.
Wiro bound softcover: These books measure 6”x9” and are printed on coated 100lb silk surface paper. They have a silver metal coil binding and lie flat on a counter when open. The covers are glossy.
Softcover with spine: These books measure 7”x10” and are printed on coated 100lb silk surface paper. They have soft glossy front and back covers and a spine. *Matte covers are also available upon request.
Hardcover with spine: These books measure 7”x10” and are printed on coated 100lb silk surface paper. They have hard glossy front and back covers and a spine. *Matte covers are also available upon request.
Hardcover wiro books: These books measure 7”x10” and are printed on coated 100lb silk surface paper. They have hard glossy front and back covers and a silver metal coil binding. When open, they lie flat on a counter.
Fundraiser books: These books measure 5 ½”x 8 1/2” and are printed on coated 70lb silk surface paper. They have a white plastic coil binding and lie flat on a counter. Fundraiser-style books are available in quantities of 100 or more.
See more about our book sizes and binding options here.
December 8, 2020 | Posted in:

4 Restaurant Items to Add to Your Family Cookbook
Food is a human essential. A favorite restaurant is a destination, a place to gather with family and share delicious food and memories. We gather together around food and through the food we connect with other cultures and people and learn about the world. And then, COVID-19 hit.
Due to COVID-19, our favorite restaurants are shut down, and many of us have had to go without visiting our favorite restaurants or eating our favorite dishes. But don’t fear! Many world-famous cooks have tried to brighten these dark times by releasing their tried and true recipes online. Not only can you save money by cooking at home, but you’ll also get to enjoy your favorite restaurant meal at home.
Make your own cookbook from your favorite family recipes and include a few favorite restaurant recipes. It is a great way to share your love of food and create memories with the people you love. In this post, we’ll give you some ideas on how to make a recipe book with restaurant recipes to enjoy during lockdown or years after.
Here are some restaurant classics we’ve gathered up to share with you. They make great additions to a custom cookbook and your family will be thrilled they can make their favorite restaurant dishes at home. Plus, these recipes don’t always stick around so it’s a good idea to save them while you can.
1. Andersen’s Famous Pea Soup
If you’ve ever taken a family road trip to California, you may be familiar with the Buellton cafe. Famous for its Andersen’s Split Pea Soup, generations of travelers have made the stop for some home cooking and delicious soup. It’s so famous that the visitors’ bureau even gives out copies of this famous recipe, now available online.
The recipe is easy to follow and has been a favorite for decades. It’s the perfect heartwarming comforting recipe to make for your family while we’re all at home.
2. Buddha Bowl from Fresh Restaurant
If you are looking for a delicious healthy meal that is full of freshness and flavor and is sure to please the masses, look no further than this recipe for the Buddha Bowl from Toronto’s Fresh Restaurant. The flavourful creamy peanut sauce over rice with tofu and fresh vegetables has been one of their most popular dishes for over a decade.
Make up a batch of this fresh and spicy peanut sauce and pour it over rice or noodles and add your favorite fresh vegetables.
3. Ikea Meatballs
If you’ve been missing your regular dose of Ikea Meatballs after a marathon family shopping trip then look no further. The famous Swedish store has released the recipe for their famous meatballs with cream sauce. Normally gobbled by the plateful by hungry shoppers, you can also buy them frozen to go. These are a traditional Swedish meatball recipe with a cream sauce.
4. Dollywood’s Famous Cinnamon Bread
Ok, so it isn’t a well-known restaurant, per se, but the cinnamon bread served at Dolly Parton’s theme park Dollywood, in Tennessee is so popular that they can sell an average of 350 loaves an hour to hungry visitors.
Dolly’s famous Cinnamon Bread is comfort food at its best. It is sweet, gooey, and loaded with cinnamon and butter – with a secret recipe direct from the Tennessee songbird herself. What could be better during a quarantine?
We hope you’ve enjoyed these family recipe book ideas. Don’t forget to include your family’s favorite restaurant meals in your custom cookbook. It is a great way to share food, share memories, and create new ones safely at home until we can all be together again. If you have any questions about how to make your own custom cookbook, or for more recipe ideas, contact us.
April 22, 2020 | Posted in:

How to Preserve and Share Family Recipes
It’s unfortunate when family traditions die, especially when those traditions involve flavorful and delicious recipes that brought loved ones from previous generations together.
A lost family recipe may also be a disservice to foodies who are looking for their next culinary fix. This post will discuss how cookbook makers can preserve family recipes from previous generations for the purpose of their own book creation.
Make Digital Copies of Old Home & Family Recipes
Many of you have nostalgia inherited from your grandparents, which may be tucked away in a basement corner or in the attic somewhere. That may include a box of grandma’s old recipes written on cards. If it’s not her indelibly written recipe notes, you may have an old paperback cookbook that’s collecting dust with its pages turning yellow.
These are culinary goldmines you don’t want to lose!
The simple way to preserve these home and family recipes is to make digital copies of them. You can take pictures of them using your smartphone, tablet or a digital camera. Create folders on your computer or phone to label these recipes using apps such as Google Drive or Dropbox.
Record a Family Recipe on Video
We live in an era where almost nothing can escape the lens of a camera. Of course, there are downsides to this but one of the upsides is that we can preserve our most treasured experiences and ideas. That includes a family recipe.
Whether you’re capturing grandma’s wisdom or creating a new recipe from scratch, you can record the process from start to finish. That may include everything from sorting the ingredients to providing step-by-step instructions on how to prepare it. You can record these videos on your phone or a camera and edit them later, or you can live stream them if you prefer a more spontaneous feel.
What you do with the video afterwards is up to you. It can go up on a YouTube channel or you can save it on your devices and share it mainly with your closest friends and family members.
Preserve a Family Recipe Using Social Media
Maybe you’re a bit of a show-off when it comes to cooking, a stickler for humblebrags. If that’s you, then social media platforms can be a great way to keep home and family recipes preserved. Using social media to collect recipes can do double duty:
- It allows you to show off your dishes to the world
- Your pictures will serve as a digital catalog that will only disappear if you decide to take them down
One of the best platforms to use for this is Pinterest. You can create pins and pinboards that allow you to post family recipe collections that will be visible for others to see. Pinterest also happens to be a popular destination for other foodies who are looking for culinary inspiration, so you might get quite a few people who repin your creations.
You also can use Instagram to upload your recipes as well, as long as you have high-quality photos and caption-friendly descriptions.
Create a Homemade Recipe Book to Preserve Traditional Dishes
Now we’ve arrived at our favorite method of preserving a family recipe – the creation of a homemade recipe book. All the methods mentioned above are perfectly feasible ways of keeping home and family recipes alive, but the cookbook has some clear advantages.
For one, a cookbook allows you to keep multiple recipes in one “location” – the book itself. Additionally, the cookbook format lets you tie these recipes together with themes, designs, storytelling and other elements that create a more immersive experience.
And it’s never been easier to create a homemade recipe book! For example, Heritage Cookbook can do the heavy lifting of putting the cookbook together for you. All you need to do is:
- Sign-up for an account
- Choose your bookbinding and design
- Create your book by typing or cutting and pasting your recipes, photos and stories
- Confirm your order and wait for delivery
You don’t need to run off to a fancy publishing house to make it. We take care of the production and printing work for you!
Pass Home & Family Recipes Down to Future Generations
Many of us are eager to learn about our ancestry and preserve it. We may take DNA tests to unravel our ethnic origins or we may wear traditional garb to show our pride for where we’ve come from.
But preserving home and family recipes is just as important to maintain the family heritage. The dishes that have been passed down from your ancestors should stay with you and be saved for your kids and their kids.
Pride aside, preserving a family recipe can introduce you, your relatives and your friends to flavors and aromas you never knew could be so enjoyable. Why deprive your tastebuds of such culinary bliss because of a lost recipe? It would be a crime!
And if the next generation isn’t into printed books, why not get them an ebook version of your recipe collection? It’s a new way to speak to the next generation in a language they’re sure to understand!